All the ways we make medical and cosmetic treatments more comfortable for our patients

1. Pronox 

Pronox offers a valuable option for patients because pronox has anxiolytic(anxiety-reducing) properties. It’s a safe and effective option for managing pain and anxiety during medical and cosmetic procedures, allowing you to undergo treatment more comfortably and with less stress, helping patients feel more relaxed and calmer during their procedure.

2. Cooling

Our primary objective is to harmonize the thermal effects of the laser with cooling techniques to maintain your skin's comfort throughout the procedure. Cooling methods have now been seamlessly integrated into the majority of laser and energy systems to achieve this goal. Alongside traditional ice packs, these advancements ensure optimal temperature control during treatments.

Zimmer cooler machines utilize cryotherapy to achieve pain relief and skin cooling during these procedures. By employing convection cooling, these devices effectively chill the targeted area, offering not only numbing benefits but also precise temperature regulation. This cooling action on the skin's surface enables practitioners to safely escalate the energy delivered, while simultaneously minimizing discomfort and ensuring consistent treatment outcomes.

3. Topical Numbing Cream

Topical numbing creams are often used in cosmetic procedures to help minimize discomfort and pain during treatments such as LHR, microneedling, laser skin resurfacing, and filler injections. Topical numbing creams can greatly enhance the patient experience during cosmetic procedures by reducing pain and discomfort, improving patient comfort and satisfaction, and facilitating a smoother treatment process.

4. Tapping Technique

Many patients experience anxiety or nervousness before undergoing a cosmetic procedure. Tapping can help alleviate these feelings by calming the nervous system and promoting relaxation. By tapping on certain points while focusing on their concerns, patients may find that their anxiety levels decrease, allowing them to approach the procedure with greater ease and comfort.

5. Local Anesthetic

Because local anesthesia numbs only the specific area being treated, patients typically experience minimal disruption to surrounding tissues. This can result in faster recovery times compared to procedures performed under general anesthesia, allowing patients to resume their normal activities sooner.

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