Surgical Dermatology

Earlobe Repair in Exton, PA

Earlobe Repair

If your earlobes have been damaged, stretched, torn, or unusual in shape, earlobe repair can surgically correct the problem. Whether you are unhappy with enlarged piercings, formerly worn gauged earrings and want to repair larger holes or your earlobe was torn or ripped, these aesthetic problems can be significantly improved with the help of Liu Dermatology.

Earlobe Repair Experience

Earlobe repair is an outpatient surgery performed at our state-of-the-art dermatology office in Exton, PA. Only local anesthesia is needed to perform the surgery. The procedure is customized for each person and typically requires removing a small quantity of scar tissue and suturing the earlobe to create a more aesthetically attractive appearance. An earlobe repair can make a huge difference in the way you look and can make it much easier to wear earrings again.

Recovering from Earlobe Repair Surgery

Earlobe repair surgery does not involve a significant recovery time and is usually well tolerated. Any discomfort can be managed with over-the-counter medications if needed. On the day of your earlobe repair surgery, you will go home with a small piece of gauze covering the area. You should keep the repair site clean and follow the wound care instructions. You can return to work, school, or other usual activities directly after the procedure, usually with no restrictions. You will be able to shower and shampoo your hair as normal while avoiding the reshaped earlobes. Stitches will be removed in about one week. If you prefer pierced ears, you are free to have them re-pierced after a few short months.

During a surgical consultation, Dr. Liu can evaluate your earlobes and discuss your desired outcome for the surgery.

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